The Church of Saint Roch was built in Tisno in the mid-7th century. It was first mentioned in 1651 when Jure Prgin Zaljinov left the church a chalice in his testament. This typical countryside church is a 13 m long, and 8,5 m wide single-nave building. It was built using carved blocks of stone that differ in the upper parts of the facade. Later additions include a bell-gable with three bells, a new opening on the facade, and the reconstruction of the choir stairs. The original Baroque portal with a semicircular window above it can be found on the lateral wall. The main altar holds the painting of Madonna with Saint Anthony of Padua and Saint Theresa, while Our Lady of the Rosary is located on the other altar.
The sculptures of Saint Roch and Saint Joseph are placed aside. In 1693, the people of Tisno decided to hold a procession on January 27th, to honor Saint Roch for protecting them from the plague that claimed more than 500 lives in the village. The feast of St. Roch takes place on August 16th each year, exhibited here.
STOŠIĆ, K.: Sela šibenskog kotora, Šibenik, 1941., p.208
JURAN, K., SORIĆ, S. : Spomenici sakralnoga graditeljstva na otoku Murteru,
Toponimija otoka Murtera. Zadar, Sveučilište u Zadru, 2010, p.97-1217
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